Why choose Silhouette Soft
Not all threads are created equal. In fact, some offer more beautiful and long-lasting results than others. When you choose Silhouette Soft, you choose threads made from medical grade materials.

For immediate results
- Restore facial contours without surgery.
- Redefine your jawline.
- Correct sagging skin.

For busy lives with no time to spare
- Ideal for busy lives – the procedure is performed
in under an hour on an outpatient basis. - Downtime is minimal – many clients return
to work the next day. - Performed under local anaesthetic.

For long-term enhancement
- Progressive restoration of lost collagen.
- Long-lasting, with beautiful results for up
to 24 months. - Can be safely repeated as signs of ageing
begin to reappear.

For peace of mind
- Minimally invasive procedure with beautifully
effective results. - Fully resorbable elements – your body breaks Silhouette Soft down over time.
- Safety record you can rely on – more than
400,000 treatments have been performed
in more than 70 countries.

Combined results*
The Silhouette Soft thread lift is often recommended by clinicians because it works so well with other treatments.
*Although the combination use of Silhouette with other aesthetic procedures has been reported in literature, the safety of such combination treatments has not been formally established. Combination use should be done at the treating healthcare providers discretion and only where sufficient healing has occurred between each treatment where they treat the same areas of the face.